Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bus gets spaced by the Out of Space festival from the 4th of December

Bus gets spaced by the Out of Space festival from the 4th of December

OUT OF SPACE Festival of Performances + Sound Installations 4-13 December 2008
BUS: 117 Little Lonsdale St Melbourne performances 8pm sharp, except sunday 3pm installations+constructions wed-sat 12-5pm
Performances $5/10 donation
thurs 4th
Ernie Althoff
SSL: Robbie Avenaim/Dale Gorfinkel
prepared vibes+automated percussion
fri 5th
Chris Nylstoch
multiple TVs+electronics
objects,captured noise
sat 6th
Ross Manning
lights+electronics+invented contraptions
The Donkey's Tale
experimental garage ensemble
sun 7th, 3pm
Ross Manning/Dale Gorfinkel/Robbie Avenaim
Marco Fusinato/Oren Ambarchi
modified guitars+electronics
wed 10th
Robin Fox
Dylan Martorell
new selfmade instruments
thu 11th
Riki-Metisse Marlow
automated sound sculptures
Lachlan Conn/Michael Prior
light,dope+locked grooves
fri 12th
Philip Samartzis/Rosalind Hall/Arek Gulbenkoglu/Dale Gorfinkel/Natasha Anderson
multiple speakers,laptop,modified saxophone,electronics,objects,giant recorder,percussion
sat 13th
Natasha Anderson
latex sound sculptures+giant recorder
Helmet Head
live AV duo from outer space
And something well worth heading north for:Begins on the 26th of November. For more info, go to

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I've never been to Tasmania, but if I do get down there one day, I'll be going to gallery 6a.... And I'll be looking for a Tasmanian Devil to bring back to the mainland to keep my housemate's cats company. Gallery 6a is accepting submissions for a film festival...I think they'll even accept video if you ask nicely. Look here: